We have started an exciting unit on reading non-fiction books and using the cool text features that those books give us to learn new information. Ask our kids what a photograph, caption, heading, index, table of contents, glossary, picture, or diagram are and they can tell you! We started our unit by letting the children explore non-fiction books and learn about their features and how we use them to learn new information. We even created non-fiction feature books on our own!
Arais is tracking her thinking in her non-fiction text feature book. |
We are now starting to dig deeper into reading non-fiction to learn new information. We started this week by talking about questioning. Good readers are constantly asking questions and wondering about things while they read, and we want our students to do the same! We started with a wonderful article on spiders. (always a kid favorite) We invited the children to share what they already have in the SCHEMA for spiders and then we went through the magazine and tracked our new learning along with our lingering questions.
What did we learn and wonder while reading? |
Arias and Gadge are wondering about a lot of things! |
Jamaria and Jharod are sharing their new learning. |
Luke and Sarah are hard at work! |